Thursday, May 12, 2016

Gong Xi Fa Cai (恭喜发财)

Year’s most awaited festival is Gong Xi Fa Cai or Chinese New Year,  is an important traditional Chinese holiday. It is also known as the Gong Xi Fa Cai. Chinese people greet one another with “gung hey fat choi” (Cantonese) or “gong xi fa cai” (Mandarin),” which literally means, “Wishing you a financially prosperous year.”Another greeting is, “sun leen fai lok (Cantonese) or “xin nian kuai le” (Mandarin), which simply means, “Happy New Year.”

One of the most iconic traditions of Chinese New Year is the giving of red envelopes stuffed with currency given from the older generation to the younger ones. When giving and receiving a red envelope, both parties may speak words of blessings to each another, usually in the form of four-word Chinese idioms. The spirit of giving can be preserved in ways other than passing out cash too. Food associated with Chinese New Year, such as mandarin oranges, dried fruit and candy with bright foil, can be wrapped in small bunches and given to family, friends and co-workers to wish them happiness and blessings in the coming year.

There are many foods traditionally associated with Chinese New Year, and it may be fun–and delicious–to have some around this time of year. In northern China, people eat dumplings or “jiao zi,” the shape of which resembles a gold ignot,a form of currency used in ancient China. In the south, people eat a sticky rice pudding called “nian gao,” the name which sounds like the words “higher year.”  Other foods eaten at Chinese New Year that carry meaning are noodles (representing longevity) and fish (representing abundance).

Many traditional Chinese will buy a complete set of new clothes to wear on the first day of New Year. Wearing new clothes symbolizes a fresh and new start. Wearing red–the favourite color of Chinese tradition–is another way to be festive.

Traditional Lion Dance program is another important part of this festival…..the interesting thing is from kids and young to old aged people all love the traditional lion dance performance show held during Gong Xi Fa Cai Festival....

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