Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Floral Dreams

When you dreamed a place and find on real….

 The Grand Flower Bed is the focal point for the festival.  Theme flowers and an assortment of tropical blooms will be on display to form a colorful carpet in line with the festival theme. Besides, a temperature controlled marquee that highlights flowers in various assortments and colors, the Floral Pavilion is a magnet for drawing the crowds. The displays will be based on different themes and there will be participation from both local and international florists and landscape architects.

I was just mesmerized when first stepped on floral world. Flower and flower seemed so lively and charming as all the flower were blooming, glowing there beautiful color and smiling at me.... so for the first time just fall in love with the place.......

It was likely to a place somewhere outer world ....another universe.So many different many different colors,so many flowers,just a surprising place it was.

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